- If it is a bouquet that has been given to us, the first thing we should do is remove the paper that wraps the bouquet, cut the stem of the flowers diagonally, remove the remaining leaves and put them in water.
- Put the flowers in a vase that covers approximately 7 to 10 cm from the bottom of the stems of the flowers. The location of the vase with the flowers is also very important, being recommendable in a cool place at night and during the day it is important good lighting but that does not receive sunlight directly.
- The water that we should use is warm water for most of the cut flowers , and if possible cold water for the bulb flowers or roses .
- The change of daily water in the vase in which we have the flowers should not be absent and it is also advisable to cut the stem 1 cm , always diagonally, since it facilitates the absorption of water.